Welcome to our world of the Alaskan Klee Kai

Awarded to Sherry Holloway Sibridge Alaskan Klee Kai
Awarded to Sherry Holloway Sibridge Alaskan Klee Kai

We are the first AKK Breeder to be AKC Inspected and passed with flying colors.
We are the first AKK Breeder to be AKC Inspected and passed with flying colors.

This is the Lil Man that started Sibridge Alaskan Klee Kai..My precious UniMak. He was our foundation male. He was grey & white with brown eyes. Maky was a miniature with great bone structure and wonderful movement. He crossed the rainbow bridge but he will always be in my heart and his genes will always be alive here.
More pictures of Unimak can be seen in the Photo Gallery.

Popperini was our foundation female. She was a grey & white full coated, brown eyed beauty. Popper earned her Championship title in one weekend and also took Best Of Breed over some top dogs.
Thanks to Unimak & Popper for getting Sibridge's Alaskan Klee Kai off to a great start.
More pictures of Popper can be seen in the Photo Gallery.
Find us on Face Book-Sibridge Sherry Holloway

First and formost we breed for Health, Temperment & Structure..
Proud member of both breed clubs
Proud member of both breed clubs