All of our AKK are pets and family members first and foremost.
Sibridge Girls
Sibridge's Lil Red Reba
Red/White Green Eyed
Standard bbEE
Born here to City & Traveler.
Sibridge's Tennessee Legacy
Black/White Brown Eyed
Standard BBEE
Born Here to Koaley & Whoopie.
Sibridge's Kissed By An
Angel Grey/White
Standard BbEE
Born Here to Terra & Davey.
Sibridge's Riding On A
Star Black/White-
BBEE Born Here to
Harley & Kit
Sibridge's Fancy Was My
Born here to City & Barrow
Makada Memories
Born here
to Terra & Barrow
Sibridge Boys
Jemira-Alasco's Barrow
Red/White BiEyed Small
Standard bbEE
RoyalStar Kitalpha
Brown Eyed Standard BBEE
Sibridge's Stoney River
Grey/White -Blue/Parti -
Standard- BBEE
Born here to Traveler &
Henry Grey & White Full
Coated, Miniature Blue
BBEE Sired by Stoney
Legend Black & White
Brown Eyed Standard
BbEE Born Here to Tina &
All Sibridge AKK are FVII Normal and EE which means they Do Not carry the "White Gene".
Pedigrees can be found on the AKK DataBase
All Sibridge AKK & puppies are registered with the United Kennel Club (UKC), and can be registered with American Kennel Club (AKC) FSS. Sibridge is also in good standing with Alaskan Klee Kai Association of America.
When Our Dogs Retire From Breeding They Stay Here With Mom & Dad
Sibridge's I'm a Maky II (Chubbs)
Sibridge's Spangle Banner(Speck)
Sibridge's Gallantly Streaming(Streamer)
Sibridge's Dawn's Early Lite(Dawn)
Sibridge's Sharmaka (Shara)
GRCH Sibridge's MakAmarok
Avalonia's The Color Purple (Whoopie)
Wieblhuskys Davidson Sibridge-(Davey)
Sibridges Dakota Traveler-(Traveler)
Anernerks MacKoaly @ Sibridge
Sibridge's Harley Girl
AngelCrest Terra V Cruiser
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